Kate Wasserman
Music Therapist
Kate Wasserman is a Board-Certified Music therapist and Neurologic Music Therapy Fellow with 15 years of experience. She earned her Bachelor of Music Education in Music Therapy at the University of Kansas in 2009 and moved to Texas to work with patients recovering from strokes and Traumatic Brain Injuries at the Institute for Rehabilitation and Research (TIRR). She worked with military veterans through the Veteran's Songbook Project, a community initiative by the Houston Grand Opera, helping bring veteran's stories to life through composed songs. She also started a music therapy program at a pediatric therapy clinic and works regularly with children with autism and speech disorders, as well as with cancer patients at MD Anderson Cancer Center. She is excited to be part of the Challenge America program offering music therapy services for veterans around the country.
Kate enjoys serving clients of wide ranging age, ability, and diagnosis using trauma-informed, relationship-centered, and neurologic treatment perspectives. She is currently completing her EnlightenCE course.
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Challenge America
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