Last Sunday, Challenge America wrapped up the 4th COVID-19 Maker Challenge via Zoom. This closing ceremony consisted of team presentations, a brilliant musical performance, as well as an award ceremony. This closing event began with a warm welcome from Dallas Blaney, Executive Director of Challenge America. This was followed by a statement by Dr. Carolyn M. Clancy, Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Discovery, Education, and Affiliate Networks (DEAN). Dr. Clancy’s address was then followed by an introduction of the impressive judges which consisted of:
Following the introduction of these judges was the beginning of the presentations. Each one of the teams was introduced and given 5 minutes to present their innovations. At the end of those 5 minutes, the judges and attendees had the opportunity to ask questions to the teams via the Zoom chat feature.
Last Sunday, Challenge America wrapped up the 4th COVID-19 Maker Challenge via Zoom. This closing ceremony consisted of team presentations, a brilliant musical performance, as well as an award ceremony. This closing event began with a warm welcome from Dallas Blaney, Executive Director of Challenge America. This was followed by a statement by Dr. Carolyn M. Clancy, Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Discovery, Education, and Affiliate Networks (DEAN). Dr. Clancy’s address was then followed by an introduction of the impressive judges which consisted of:
Following the introduction of these judges was the beginning of the presentations. Each one of the teams was introduced and given 5 minutes to present their innovations. At the end of those 5 minutes, the judges and attendees had the opportunity to ask questions to the teams via the Zoom chat feature.
The first presenter was Team Watch Me Now, who worked on developing a solution to make video visits better for both in-home caregivers and their patients. Their prototype solution was a series of VA Video Connect modifications that improve the view of the patient, transcribe more efficiently, and review recordings for more refined treatment.
Following Team Watch Me Now was Team Hand Washing on the Go. This team designed a solution for caregivers who need to wash their hands in between visits but do not have immediate access to soap and water. This resulted in an open sourced, accessible prototype that essentially allows for on the go hand washing.
The next presenter was Team Mask Stash, who worked to develop a way to store masks in a hygienic environment in between uses to prevent contamination. Their requirements for this were that it needed to be easy to store, use, transport, and sanitize, as well as being afford and having an efficient design.
Team Boredom Busters was the next team to present. This team developed a solution to address the isolation and emotions that in home caregivers may feel. Their solution was to create a Caregiver Compassion Box prototype, which consists of personalized, high quality, VA branded items sourced from subscription box services, to give to in home caregivers. The intention is that these boxes would boost overall morale and show appreciation.
The fifth presenter was Team Breathable Mask. Team Breathable Mask created a solution to address the physical issues that arise from wearing a mask and nasal cannula simultaneously. Their proposed solution was a reusable, affordable, accessible, Flexi-band that would relieve the wearer of said physical issues and mitigate risks of infections.
Following Team Breathable Mask was Team Note Takers. They worked on a solution that allowed for Home Based Primary Care providers to take clinical notes without having to bring items that can be easily contaminated with COVID-19, such as a laptop or notebook. Their solution was a series of Siri Shortcuts, or a “mini app” for IOS.
Team Hermtac was the seventh team to present. Their goal was to design a case for nurses and in home caregivers who are testing people for COVID-19 that was more easily transportable and eliminated unnecessary trips to the ER. This testing case features internet access so the provider and patient can meet via telecom, as well as features that track oxygen, BP, temperature, heart, and lungs.
Team Mask Speak was next to present in this event lineup. Their goal was to create a solution to provide more effective and efficient communication for in-home caregivers and their patients. Several in-home caregivers found that there was a communication barrier while wearing masks during patient care. Their final product was an interactive application that allows for better communication.
The ninth and final presentation was by Team Isolation Gladiators. Their team challenge was to reduce isolation and loneliness of Veterans by connecting volunteers and wounded warriors. They did so by developing an easy to use app called TIGHT (Together in Good and Hard Times). This app connects Veterans to volunteers to boost morale and build friendships.
After all of these brilliant presentations, the judges were sent to a private Zoom room so that they could discuss the projects. Meanwhile, the talented David Berkeley gave the attendees and teams a stunning acoustic music performance.
The judges had a difficult task, and after some deliberation, were able to come to a conclusion. Wrapping up this virtual event, the awards were assigned as followed:
Business Value Award:
Team Mask Stash
Feasibility Award:
Team Maskspeak
Innovation Design Award:
Team Watch Me Now
UX Design Award:
Team Breathable Mask
Best Overall Design/iEx Award:
Team Testing Case
This Fourth Maker Challenge provided incredible insight and opportunity for new innovations and solutions for in home caregivers and those that they serve. As we move into the final Maker Challenge in October, we hope to keep up this momentum and see you at the next event!
The judges had a difficult task, and after some deliberation, were able to come to a conclusion. Wrapping up this virtual event, the awards were assigned as followed:
Business Value Award:
Team Mask Stash
Feasibility Award:
Team Maskspeak
Innovation Design Award:
Team Watch Me Now
UX Design Award:
Team Breathable Mask
Best Overall Design/iEx Award:
Team Testing Case
This Fourth Maker Challenge provided incredible insight and opportunity for new innovations and solutions for in home caregivers and those that they serve. As we move into the final Maker Challenge in October, we hope to keep up this momentum and see you at the next event!
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Thank you for joining the team!
Dallas Blaney
Executive Director
Challenge America
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